What is it that keeps many people from fulfilling their dreams that are inside their hearts?
I have often wondered how so many people can go to jobs that they don't like and stay in sour relationships. It amazes me how so many people work so hard to make a living only to be able to enjoy themselves on their days off once or twice a week and on their one week vacation once a year.
After doing readings for almost 15 years, some of the things I have noticed are that many people feel safe and comfortable with what is known and feels familiar. Most people don't like to change unless they see some great reward for making the change. Many times people do things because they feel that they have to do things that way in order for their lives to work, or they do things because they feel obligated. People get caught up in the idea that everything is supposed to be done a certain way or they get caught up in pleasing other people before listening to their own inner needs.
Many people think that if they work really hard that maybe they will get to enjoy life one day.
It is very interesting that many people stop themselves because they have a belief that it can't be done or that they would not be good at it or they are too old or that they don't have the money. They buy into a particular belief and it becomes their reality.
There are many reasons anyone could create or think about that might keep them from living their dreams. Those people become locked into their circumstances, habits and how they have their reality wired together in their minds.
People live their lives as if there are all of these golden rules. Yet what if people lived their lives if there were no rules?
How would people live differently if they lived as each day could be their last. They would probably be more engaged in their lives.
The more people allow themselves to feel and connect with what is in their hearts, the more it increases people's ability to experience and enjoy life in an expanded way.
Most people get so caught up in attempting to figure everything out, constantly trying to hold everything together. It takes so much energy and effort to do that. The illusion is we are not the doers anyway. It has been my experience that hardly anyone has it together, it's just that some people are better at making it look like they do.
When people are able to do what they love it creates peace, joy, and perfection. It becomes a life that is fulfilling and worth living.
As more people are getting tuned in to what is inside them, they are beginning to break away and take risks. The ability to listen to inner guidance and then take a risk increases people's capacity to trust.
With trust anything can become possible. When people can be open to trust it creates a symbiotic connection with the divine to allow grace to flow through. Grace is what makes surrendering possible.
When people are able to surrender and feel it in their bodies they are living in grace. This way of being is living bliss and is beyond any description of what words, pictures and the imagination can give.