The following is a list of workshops that are currently offered and a preview of future workshops.
The Mentorship Program
This is a 4 day inner journey that is designed to accelerate spiritual growth and expansion. Through inquiry, energy work, movement, art, music, spiritual exploration, discussion and interaction, participants are given clear insights for integrating inner dimensions of reality with life experience.
Mentorship Session 1 - Prayers, Altars, Invocations & The Elements
Learn to call on spirit, build altars and work with the elements. Through shamanic journeys each person will learn to communicate and manifest more effectively with spirit out into their lives.
Mentorship Session 2 - Psychic Development Through Numerology ∓ Tarot
Utilizing a magical context of play and divination participants learn a basic framework for working with numbers and the symbology of the Tarot. Through practical exercises participants are able to open, build and increase psychic awareness and intuitive development.
Mentorship Session 3 - Living An Integrated life
In this class we will explore different spiritual traditions and modalities for healing. Participants will learn about energy, healing techniques and aligning our own life force energy to the planetary grid. Through experiential learning participants will learn how to access higher states of inner awareness and how to integrate and live it out in life, enjoying the true balance of mind, body and spirit.
Numerology with David Groode
This is a one to two day class focused primarily on divination with numbers. Based on the Pythagorean system of numerology from ancient Greece, participants will be able to learn what numbers mean and how to calculate and interpret them. The 2nd day includes how to construct, interpret and analyze numerology charts as well as cycles of timing. A blue print of life which is like a numerological map is also covered.
Maps To The Subconscious - The Unknown Frontier

Journey into the depths and to the inner most sanctums of the ocean of your subconscious. Discover your hidden gifts, talents, treasures and abilities that are laying untapped and dormant within.

Through music, sound, collage, movement and ritual performance, veils will lift giving you access to experience yourself from deep within. Unraveling the unexpressed mystery of your inner symbology. You will begin to awaken, cultivate and identify new levels of passion, creativity, humor and authentic expression.

Travel by memory as you unlearn what has inhibited you and kept you held together, protected and locked in place. Open yourself to experience an expanded way of being, releasing you to develop the unexplored and unexpressed aspects of yourself. Bring what you find up through the ocean of your subconscious up out onto the surface in your life and share what you find and uncover with others.

For Information About Fees or David Speaking at your Organization
Phone (707) 548-7500