Many people have asked me how are the readings that I offer different than the readings that other people do?

My specialty is assisting people to identify and clear obstacles that keep them from being free to manifest more successfully and powerfully in full alignment with their passion.

The sessions bring people to choice points of being able to look at the truth of what is, and if people are willing to look; then it can expand them and bring them to a whole new level in themselves and in their lives.

My belief is that what is showing up on the outside in our lives is a reflection of an inner corresponding belief or perception on the inside. In addition to that, I believe that we experience things in life as an opportunity to learn.

In the readings that I offer, I look at the energetic core and inner matrix of what is being created through life experience. We work together to look at, feel, assimilate and shift core beliefs, perceptions and blocked energetic imprints that are energy drains which create negativity and shadow. Through identifying and clearing core issues people begin to experience themselves and life in an expanded way. As a result, people are able to access new levels of freedom and clarity, empowering them to live their greatness with passion, authenticity and balance.

It has been my experience that the readings open the door for the process of inner growth and transformation. To assist people to continue on that path, at the end of each reading, I give resources which are tools that will continue to empower them as they are integrating and working with the information from their readings.

Ways To Work With David
Intuitive Consultation
This is a one-hour recorded session. Gain clarity on key areas of your life as David uses his masterful intuitive ability to view core issues, relating to key points, issues, situations or people that you are inquiring about. David will assist you in making an energetic shift with profound results, offering you a new outlook and understanding. Individualized and specific resources will be given at the end of the session to help in the integration of the information from the reading. The resources provide support, empowering you to continue the forward momentum of moving the energy that was revealed and ignited during your session.
Numerological Blue Print & Life Reading
This is a one-hour recorded session. Utilizing numerology as a map, information will be given on your soul's gifts, challenges, destiny, major gateways and themes for this current year. This in depth, comprehensive reading will also cover a blue print of your individual life journey and address and answer 3 personal questions. Resources will be given at the end of the session, which will help you apply the information in a practical and life enhancing way.
Intuitive Relationship Reading
This is a one-hour recorded session. Look in depth at specific relationship issues. An emphasis is placed on shifting the energetic core matrix of how the relationship functions and supports both people, creating clear communication and heart centered expansion.
Private Intuitive Mentoring

This is a one-hour recorded session. The first session is an initial assessment consultation defining areas to be worked on and developing a plan of action with goals.

Additional sessions of 5 or 10 increments can be done after the first initial assessment consultation. These sessions provide a way of doing continued work on an individual basis, giving you tools, support and confidence to create the life you were meant to live. These are private and custom designed consultations which will catalyze and empower you to create and live the life of your dreams.

5 Transformational One-Hour Sessions
These are one hour in person or telephone consultations. Audio recording included.
Intuitive Business Consultations
This is a one-hour recorded session. An intuitive look inside key elements of running a successful business. Areas can include productivity, problem solving, employee and employer relations, budget and financial structures, suggested names of business contacts, clients and marketing ideas for successful expansion. This session will help you with running your business effectively giving you the leading edge to create the powerful results you want.
Intuitive Mediation
This is a one to two hour recorded session. This consultation is designed to promote sensitivity, awareness and understanding towards dispute resolution. Through inquiry, intuition and non reactive communication insights will be given to open the way for clear communication, negotiation, and solutions that both parties can come away feeling great about.
For Information About Fees, Private Sittings or Telephone Consultations
Phone (707) 548-7500